Bite-size How-To’s without the techie stuff.
To help you do things like…

Take a simple pen and ink drawing…

…colour it in Affinity Photo…

…and create a card in Affinity Publisher
How to turn your artwork into a simple animation or gif.
Click on this little Christmas sketch to see it come to life as an ecard.
Just one of the processes coming up soon in a course of simple step-by-step How-to-Videos.
Artwork by:
Judy In The Big Shed
Make your analogue artwork into greetings cards or postcards.
Here the colour and detail were added to an original pen and ink drawing using Affinity Photo.
A series of simple step-by-step videos showing the process is coming soon.

Drag the slider R then L
to see ‘before and after’
Artwork by: Judy In The Big Shed
Do you need some help with preparing your artwork for printing?
I’ll show you in clear simple steps how to tidy your artwork – for example, isolating each part and rearranging them to give a more balanced layout, as was done here.

Drag the slider R then L
to see ‘before and after’
Artwork by:
Karina Suarez-Robertson
(Click here to see more
of Karina’s lovely artwork)
Bite-size How-To’s without the techie stuff.
For all those infrequent small digital tasks that you need to do
(but wish you didn’t) & have forgotten how to!
Also Coming Soon…
How-To set up your own
free YouTube channel.
Now You Tell Me
…what you’re struggling
to do, and I’ll create
a How-To to help you.
Also Coming Soon…
How-To hide your Friends
List in Facebook
(and why you should).